Our packing and freezing plant started operations in July 2003, with an installed capacity to receive and process over 86,000 pounds of raw shrimp a day.
Newly added for 2007 is our Water Purification Plant utilizing ozonification, mechanical filtration and ultra-violet screening to obtain the purest water and ice available anywhere.
Presently, we have increased our daily process capacity to over 154,000 pounds, 110,000 pounds of which are block-frozenand 44,000 pounds, individually frozen.
Furthermore, we have 3 warehouses to store finished product, with a capacity of over 1.6 million pounds, which are kept at a temperature of 0 ºF (minus 18 degrees Celsius), assuring the shrimp’s optimal quality.
All our packing processes comply with international requirements as far as the implementation of HACCP Control systems is concerned, due to which our facilities are certified for export to Europe. Furthermore, we have been awarded with a food safety certification by the Mexican authority SENASICA.
As a result, we can offer our customers a higher quality product, guaranteeing a uniform weight, size, as well as homogenous color and flavor.
